
Lambeth Horticultural Society – Welcome   

The Lambeth Horticultural Society is a great place to meet like minded gardening people.  Every year we have speakers that cover lots of topics that can help you create that perfect garden, discover what is going on in areas of our environment, and give you ideas on what to do with the “tacky” vase that you received for Christmas!   Every now and then there’s a speaker that makes you think  “Well – I never thought I would be interested in that !”


A Little Bit of History …………  The Lambeth Horticultural Society was formed officially in 1975.   Prior to that it operated under the title of The Lambeth Garden Club which was organized in 1954-55.   In August 1975, the Executive Board of the garden club began the process of moving its club into a branch of the Ontario Horticultural Association.  Quite the process, however it resulted in what is known today as the Lambeth Horticultural Society. 

January 2025 will be the beginning of the 50th Anniversary of the Lambeth Horticultural Society.

So come out and get your “Hort” on !!

(That’s short for Horticulture!!)


Browse through our website and if you have any questions, please contact us.   inquire@lambethhort.com

(our website is a work in progress ……… eventually we will get there)


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Flower Shows – stay tuned for the 2025 Flower Show details

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Horticultural terminology

Alba – White
Alpina – Plant from the mountains
Canadensis – Native to Canada
Caerulea – Blue
Grandiflora – Big flowers
Japonica – Plant from Japan
Lutea – Yellow
Macrophylla – Plant has big leaves
Maculata – Spotted
Maritima – Plant from near the sea
Montana – Plant from the mountains
Nana – Dwarf
Occidentalis – Plant from the western hemisphere
Odorata – Scented
Officinalis – A plant used as a herb
Orientalis – Plant from the eastern hemisphere
Paniculata – Blooming in panicles
Purpurea – Purple
Reptans – Creeping
Rosea – Pink
Rubrum – Red
Rugosa – ridged, usually in reference to the leaves
Scandens – Climbing
Sinensis – Plant from China
Stricta – Upright
Sylvestris – Plant from the forest


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For Sale!

Something you want to sell?

Let us know and we will put it up on the website!




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Speakers – Past Meetings

May 15, 2017


Design: “The Beauty of Spring” – a small design
Speaker: Jim Maybee – is a Horticultural and Design Judge and a very enthusiastic and energetic gardener on his 20 acre flower farm.  Jim will provide tips on preparing  flowers and designs for our upcoming Rose and Flower Show on June 21. (He spoke to us in 2006 about growing and caring for gladiolus).



April 17, 2017
Design: “Easter Parade” – a parallel design
Speaker: Trish Symons  – A passionate, enthusiastic and energetic gardener who spoke at the Lambeth Horticultural Society meeting back in October 2012. Our bus trip in June 2016 visited her home and gardens in the Shelburne area.
Topic: “There’s a Puppy in my Garden”
Heemans Strawberries



Monday, March 20, 2017
Speaker: Will Heeman – Heemans Garden Centre & Strawberry Farm “Strawberries and the History of the farm”.
Design: “Spring Board” – an interpretive Design
r_snowman-silhouette-holding-logo Monday, February 20, 2017
Speaker: Julian Bayley – Ice Culture, “The growth of Ice Culture and the making of their sculptures”.
Design: “Picture Perfect” – 4 x 6 photo of a Focal Point in your 2016 garden.
Screen Shot 2016-12-18 at 1.37.20 PM Monday, January 16, 2017
Speaker: Brenda Gallagher (Forestry Technician – Vegetation, Upper Thames Conservation Authority.  “Trees in Ontario”.
Design: Winter Solstice – a design incorporating winter greenery and 1 white flower.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Speaker: Roland Craig “A tour of the Harrogate Flower Show in North Yorkshire, U.K.
Design: “Natures Image” – A design using wood and/or rock
img0004 Monday, September 19, 2016
Design: “Fall Festival” – A modern design.
Speaker: Robert Holland “Saving the Jesuit Pear Tree”
http://www.jesuitpear.com/Earl ller standing in front of his ancient Jesuit Pear Tree
David Bilyea Monday, June 20, 2016
Design Class: “It’s Summer” – an interpretive design
Speaker: DAVID BILYEA is a graduate of Ridgetown College and now is employed there as a weed science technician involved with weed control studies.
Topic: “Viny weeds of Ontario”
Image 1 Monday, May 16, 2016
Speaker: MARION JARVIE is a passionate gardener and has been gardening in Thornhill for 40 years.  She has been involved with both the Toronto and International gardening communities. Marion is an accomplished photographer and enthusiastic educator. She teaches regularly at the Toronto Botanical Garden and has lectured all over North America and in the U.K.
Topic: Gardening Highlights
Image Monday, April 18, 2016
Speaker: ROB LEBROW from Sedum Master, a company 9 years young, grows 120 different varieties of sedum that they use to create sedum blankets and panels, green roofs, living walls and other projects.
Topic: Sedum
David Sherry Monday, March 21, 2016:


UWO Professor in the Departments of Psychology and Biology and a member of the Graduate Program in Neuroscience.

Monday, February 15, 2016:
Design: “Mini Garden Tour”
Bring 3, 5×7 photos showing highlights of your 2015 garden
Speaker: DENISE HODGINSOntario Diploma in Horticulture and writes for the London Free Press
Topic: The Monthly Garden To-Do List
Click here for a full review>DeniseHodginsFeb2016 
becky Monday, January 18, 2016:
Coordinator of Sprouts Children’s Garden Program
(focusing on urban agriculture)
Click here for a full review> BeckyEllisJan2016

January 15, 2018:
Note: please bring any used or unwanted pairs of socks to the meeting to be donated to the Salvation Army.
Come join us for a meeting that will offer you something new and different!
Defy those winter chills and feel the warmth as we sit at tables and taste test various coffees and teas while learning about their origin and history.
Speakers: Fire Roasted Coffee Co.   https://fireroastedcoffee.com/pages/visit-a-cafe and The Tea Lounge    http://www.beteas.com/tea-lounge/

September 18, 2017
Speaker: Kevin Kavanagh, owner of South Coast Gardens, a small specialty nursery and landscape design business located along the north shore of Lake Erie’s ‘Carolinian zone’.
Topic: Magnolias, Rhodos, and Azaleas
Design: “Birthday Bash” – a red and white design to include vegetables.

June 18, 2018
Speaker: Shelley MacKenzie
(St. Thomas Horticultural Society)
Topic: “Elevated Park and Walkway with a Stumpery Garden”
Design Class: “June Bugs” a small design

October 16, 2017
Speaker: Suzanne Steed of Steed and Company Lavender
Topic: All things Lavender (growing, benefits and uses of lavender).
Design: Autumn Joy – a design to include wood

January 21, 2019
Speaker: Andrew Barber
Andrew is an organic farmer who has taken an interest in Buckfast bees.
He currently has ten hives on his property and is interested in different hive styles.  Our meeting will be Cafe style. Coffee and tea will be served with honey samples.  Design Class: No design class, but please bring a photo of your favourite part of your 2018 Garden to share with your fellow members.  Photo’s will not be judged.

February 18, 2019
We will see the movie “Highgrove House”, one of England’s most important contemporary gardens.  Meet the best Royal Gardener in history – Prince Charles.   “Theatre” snacks will be provided.
Design Class: Interpretive with a single red rose.

March 18, 2019
Speaker: Dave Bilyea from the University of Guelph (Ridgetown Campus)Topic: “Spring Tune Up and Lawn Care” – general tips for maintaining a healthy lawn, problems that can occur and why they happen.
Design Class: Emerald and Aquamarine – A Satellite Design

SEPTEMBER 16, 2019
Mini Flower & Vegetable Show: View Schedule here> Mini FlowerSep2019
SPEAKER: Margaret Dudley (President of the Belle River Hort Society and knowledgeable speaker).  TOPIC: Bulbs for All Seasons
DESIGN: “Summer Twilight” – a modern mass design

NOVEMBER 18, 2019
MEET AND GREET 5:30 – 6:30 pm  DINNER at 6:30 pm
Sprigs of greenery will be available for all to create a festive design/arrangement to adorn your home for the Christmas season.
Bring your container (or a small tuna/salmon can) and have fun creating!  If you have extra ribbon or decorative items to share with other members, please bring them.
JANUARY 20, 2020
SPEAKER: ‘Full of Beans’ Kim Dietrich – will talk about her business, how it started and the new family life style change with beans in it. This change also gave her an opportunity to promote beans and share their products with consumers.Our meeting will be set up cafe style. DESIGN: Fragrant Memories – Small Dried Arrangement
SPEAKER: Darren Heimbecker TOPIC: Whistling Gardens. Daren will walk with us through the bright sun filled colourful gardens in the middle of winter and share with us the updates, the new plants and the future for Whistling Gardens. DESIGN: “Storms and Blizzards” an inerpretive design. PLEASE CONTACT HELEN PETERNEL if you wish to show your creation during the meeting. No judging.
SPEAKER: Dr. Youbin Zheng
TOPIC: Learning about Cannabis. Dr. Zheng works at the University of Guelph and one of his current research projects is on Indoor Medical Cannabis Production. An interesting complex topic indeed!
DESIGN: “Lasting Treasures” – a small design (use the flowers that you dried last fall). PLEASE CONTACT HELEN PETERNEL if you wish to show your creation during the meeting. No judging.
SPEAKER: Dr. Jeremy McNeilTOPIC: TBA. Dr. McNeil is a distinguished professor at UWO and has spoken to us several times before. He is an extremely knowledgeable man who brings interest and entertainment to his every presentation.
DESIGN: “TOP O’THE MORNING” – an all green design.
PLEASE CONTACT HELEN PETERNEL is you wish to show your creation during the meeting. No judging.

SPEAKER: Robin Pero – owner of Grow & Bloom
TOPIC: HOUSE PLANTS: Growing trends and growing house plants for our well being.
Design Idea – “Spring Has Almost Sprung” – A Parallel Design

TOPIC: “Tick and Lyme Disease”.  Dr. Peregrine is a veterinarian and clinical parasitologist at
the University of Guelph.  How to identify the tick responsible for Lyme disease and
how to reduce the risk of infection in both dogs and people.
Design Idea – “Refreshing” – a Water viewing Design.
JUNE 21, 2021 – 7:30 pm – MEETING VIA ZOOM
SPEAKER: David T. Chapman – The Storm Chaser
TOPIC: Wild, Weird and Wacky Weather
Next Zoom Meeting: MONDAY JANUARY 17, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Speaker:  Ben Porchuk   Topic: Bringing Forests Home
If you recognize Ben’s name, you have a great memory! He spoke to us May 2012. 
Ben is a modern example of how one can take the simple step of bringing nature back to our yards, while turning the tables on climate change and
the continued loss of plant and animal species.  This talk will be sure to help you “Bring the Froest to Your Home.”
Zoom Meeting: MONDAY FEBRUARY 21, 2022 AT 7:30 pm
Speaker: Anna Leggatt   Topic: Around the World in 40 plants. 
Anna is a Toronto Master Gardener, past chair of the Ontario Rock Garden Society, Past Dir. of the N.A. Rock Garden Society and a nenber of the East York Garden Club. 
She is basically a mad gardener, gardening in a large shade garden in Toronto with visiting mink, deer, rabbits, and groundhogs. 
She loves rock gardens, wildflowers, working with stone.  She wants to grow vegetables.  However, the dder and groundhog would like them as well.

Zoom Meeting: MONDAY MARCH, 2022 21 at 7:30 pm
Speaker: Jocelyn Molyneux   Topic: Soil Booster Worm Manure
Jocelyn, founder of Wastenot Farms Inc., developed Jocelyn’s Soil Booster Worm Manure as a healthy alternative to chemical fertilizer. 
She holds a master’s degree in applied environmental science and management.  It’s all about the microbes! 
Learn why Jocelyn’s Soil booster Worm Manure is a healthy alternative to chemical fertilizers and how regenerative growing
with microbe-rich worm castings feeds your soil, so you can fuel your family – and help fight climate change.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 – Speaker: Mike Prong
Topic: Fusion Landscaping “Low Water, Low Maintenance, Low Impact”
Mike will share ways this can be incorporated into any landscape and garden.
Mini Flower & Vegetable Show
OCTOBER 17, 2022 – Speaker: Pete Read
Topic: Backyard Birds
Pete is a retired teacher and long-time member of Nature London serving on their Board for many years including as President
and he kept the bird records for Middlesex County for over 30 years. 
He leads bird watching hikes at Point Pelee and McGregor Park each Spring. 
He is particularly interested in bird life, but will always stops to smell the roses.
January 16, 2023 – Meeting held via ZOOM – members will be sent a link via email
Speaker: Kerry Hackett
Topic: “Favourite Herbs and Homemade Remedies”
Kerry is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (UK), the Ontario Herbalist Assoc. (Past Pres.) and the Veterinary botanical Medicine Assoc.  She is also a certified Master Gardener.
February 20, 2023 – Meeting held via ZOOM – CANCELLED
Speaker: Mark Rinker
Topic: “Arva Flour Mills”
Mark Rinker, along with his wife Jo-elle, are co-owners of the Arva Flour Mill.  They purchased the Mill in October 2021.  Both are born and bred Londoners and graduates of Western Univ.
March 20, 2023 – In Person Meeting at the Lambeth United Church
Speaker: Santiago Ramirez
Topic: Microgreens
Santiago will share how he and his family began the journey of growing their own nutrient packed greens that could be consumed by both young and old – in simple ways!  They never use any pesticides, preservatives or harsh chemicals at any point during the growing process.  Their Microgreens are Straight Up Tasty.
Design: “Memories of 2022” A Small Dried Arrangement.
April 17, 2023
Speaker: Norimi Sakamoto and John Jacobs of Shogun Maitake Canada Co.
Topic: Learn about the Maitake Mushrooms aka “Dancing Mushrooms” that grow in the mountains of north eastern Japan and now, they are also grown just down the road! Their health benefits are incredible!
Design: “By the Meadow” – A Water-viewing Design
September 18, 2023
Speaker: Cheryl Losch
Topic: “Myths and Legends in the Garden”
Cheryl is a horticulturalist, graduating from Univerity of Guelph and has been involved with Horticultural Societies for 19 years.
Design: “Late Summer Bounty” – an interpretive design
October 16, 2023
Speaker: Dianne Wheler
Topic: “Preserving Your Harvest”
Dianne is a Master Gardener and will share some of the benefits of freezing and dehydrating her harvest and tips for preserving the harvest to enjoy throughout the seasons.
Design: “Autumn’s Harvest” – a design to include fruits and vegetables.
PLANT ADOPTION NIGHT – Bring a plant or 2 and adopt a plant or 2 (Perennials and Houseplants welcome).





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Garden Tour 2014

The Lambeth Horticultural Society have their
Garden Tour every other year.This year will be our 14th tour!
SUNDAY JULY 13, 2014, 1-5 pm
Join us for a relaxing afternoon visiting the lovely gardens.
You will also have the opportunity to exchange tips and ideas.
Look for the OPEN GARDEN sign in the front yard on the day of the tour.
Flyers will be available at the Lambeth Public Library, 7112 Beattie St. July 3 to 12

The Tour is F R E E! of charge and held Rain or Shine

Get map here
or pick up a map on July 13 at 2335 Main St. from 12:45 to 4 pm

383 Wharncliffe Road North – Map Number 6
A very large back yard filled with a large variety of plants and ornamental features. There is a pond, a stream, and sitting area’s to relax in.

383 Wharncliffe Rd.N_A
383 Wharncliffe Rd.N_B

60 Foster AvenueMap Number 5
A front yard packed with beautiful lilies greets you, and a visit to the backyard will take you to “hosta heaven”.

60 Foster AveB
60 Foser Ave

4 Novelle CourtMap Number 4
Snapdragons abound in this garden. You will love the imaginative whimsical vignettes throughout the garden.  Take a peek in the shed that does double duty as an art studio for the grandchildren.

4 Novelle Court_B
4 Novelle Court_A

520 Huntington PlaceMap Number 3
Between the beautiful roses and perennials, this garden contains a very large variety of edible plants and trees to admire, heal and nurture. Ask Sophia and she will teach you all about them

520 Huntington Pl_A
520 Huntington Pl_B

3117 Morgan AvenueMap Number 2
It is hard to believe that this garden is only 2 years old with such a large variety of perennial plant material, all carefully chosen and placed.

3117 Morgan Ave_B
3117 Morgan Ave_A

5 Woods Edge CloseMap Number 1
Descend into this back yard and you will enter a dream world of shade loving plants and trees. Take the bridge over the dry river bed and meander through swaths of carefully placed plants and flowers adorned with many interesting sculptures and artifacts.

5 Woods Edge Close_A
5 Woods Edge Close_B


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Rose and Flower Show 2014 – Awards list

Rose &  Flower Show “Downton Abbey Traditions”

June 18, 2014   Awards List

Award Winner
1. Best Rose in the show The Maud Hill Silver Bowl Sarah Kelly
2. Best Large Flowered Rose Red Rose Tea Trophy  (Sec. A) Michael Coleby
3. Best Clustered Flowered Rose The Margaret and Cecil Wright Trophy (Sec. B) Maureen Coleby
4. Best Climbing Rose The Charlotte & Harold DeLagran Award (Sec.C) John Obeda
5. Best Miniature Rose The Bob Whitlock Award (Sec D &E) Sarah Kelly
6. Best Antique Rose The Harry McGee Award (Sec.F) John Obeda
7. Best Shrub Rose The Evelyn & Melvin Jenkinson Award (Sec. H) Sarah Kelly
8. Best Overall in Design Classes The Reg & Ruth Dodson Award (Sec.L) Irina Code
9. Highest Points in Design Classes The Joyce McGee Award (Sec.L) Crystal Trojec
10. Highest Points in Cut Flowers The Mary Galloway Award (Sec.K) Veronica Richards
11. Highest Points in the Show The Lambeth Horticultural Society Award Sarah Kelly
12. Highest Points for Roses entered by a Novice The Wm. Saunders Rose Society Award Marg Holmes


Poster R&F show 2014


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Pesticide allert


Pollinators are the animals that pollinate over 90% of all flowering plants, and primarily include bees, flies, buterlfies, moths, and other insects.  “These beneficial insects are under pressure from loss of habitat, loss of food sources, disease, and pesticides” Pollination Guelph
According to a recent study by the Friends of the Earth, most of the plants sold at garden centres are contaminated by pesticides called NEONICOTINOIDS.  Neonicotinoids are poisons that impair the nervous system of insects and are linked to the decline of pollinators.  Neonicotinoids permeate all parts of a plant including the nectar and pollen.  Unfortunately, pollinators collect this poisoned nectar and pollen to bring back to others in their hives and dwellings.
Grow bee-friendly plants, preferably native species, in your gardens.
Ask garden centres to sell neonicotinoid-free vegetable and bedding plants. Let the nursery know you will not buy plants grown with these pesticides.
More information at the Ontario Beekeepers Association.
Purchase organic vegetable and bedding plants or grow your plants from untreated seeds for your vegetable and flower gardens.
Buy organic food whenever possible.  Organic growing methods are much less harmful to pollinators.
A.C.E. (Advisory committee to the environment) has approached the City of London on providing more forage and habitat areas in park lands and the creation of habitat corridors between forage areas.

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January 24, 2018: The most recent recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented to a gardening Fanshawe College student was Jennifer Hornick.  The awards ceremony and reception was held at the college. Jennifer has completed the Horticultural Technician program at the college and has been working at Parkway Gardens, but will be leaving in March to further her horticultural training at the Niagara Parks horticultural school.  She is the first Fanshawe graduate in quite a few years to attend this well known shcool.  We wish Jennifer well in all her future endeavours.

November 19, 2016: Elizabeth Lazear is the most recent recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society award presented to a graduating student at Fanshawe College.  Elizabeth came to Fanshawe already having worked 15 years in the restaurant and management sector.  She has a strong interest in conservation and environmental concerns.  She intends to pursue smart design with a focus on xeriscape and native plants.  She currently works for Live Landscape and John’s Nursery and volunteers for the Grand River Motorcycle Ride for Dad and the Dog Guide Foundation of Canada.  WE wish Elizabeth good success with her future.

June 21, 2016: Congratulations to Jamie Fletcher, a Lambeth resident and recent graduate of B. Davison Secondary School.  Jamie is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award, presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the horticultural program at the school.  She received other awards, including a Green Industries Award (grade 11) and some leadership recognition.   Jamie plans to spend some time helping on the family farm and has an interest in working with children.  We wish Jamie all the best in her future endeavours.

November 26, 2014: London’s Fanshawe College held an Academic Awards Ceremony for the Faculty of Arts, Media and Design on Wednesday, November 26.  We congratulate Hilary Sivyer as the recipient of Lambeth Horticultural Society award.  This award goes to a graduating student in the Horticultrual programme, who deserves recognition.  Hilary is continuing in another course in the Horticultural programme, now focusing on Landscape Design.  President Jo-Anne Smith represented the Society at the ceremony.

October 2013: Congratulations to Justin Parsons, a recent graduate of Sir George Ross Secondary School.  At the school’s October Awards and Commencement program, Justin was the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award.  This is presented to a graduating student who shows interest and skill in the Horticultural program.  Justin also received the Transportation award for the school.  We wish him well with his future endeavours.

January 21, 2013: Lambeth Horticultural Society member Marie Galloway was surprised with the presentation of the President’s Award at the January general meeting.  Marie recently retired as a Director after many years as the Registrar for the Society.
Using her secretarial experience and organizational skills developed as a secretary with the London School board, Marie streamlined the registration process.  Many members appreciated her personal touch in keeping them aware of activities.
Orchids are one of Marie’s area of expertise, her greenhouse is often “in bloom”.  She shows and helps at Orchid Show presentations.  While we will miss Marie on the Board of Directors we will continue to enjoy seeing her at monthly meetings and benefit from her experience with special events.
Thank you Marie for your devotion to the Lambeth Horticultural Society.

October 25, 2012: The 2012 Senior Awards and Commencement Program for Sir George Ross Secondary School was held on October 25.  The Lambeth Horticultural Society donates an award to a graduating student from the horticultural program.
this year, the recipient was Zachary Tait.  Congratulations to Zachary! May your future be filled with success and happiness.

November 23, 2011:  Congratulations to Charlie Briggs, a graduate of Fanshawe College in London.
Charlie is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented during the November 23rd commencement exercises.  This award is presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the Horticultural program at Fanshawe College.  Best Wishes to Charlie with his future endeavours in Thunder Bay.

October 20, 2011: Congratulations to Madeline Graham, a graduate of Sir George Ross Secondary School in London.
Madeline is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented during the October 20th commencement exercises.  This award is presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the Horticultural program at Sir George Ross Secondary.  Best wishes to Madeline with her future endeavours.

June 18, 2011: Congratulations to  Aaron Jarry, a graduate of Thames Secondary School.
Aaron is the recipient of the Lambeth Horticultural Society Award presented during the June 16th commencement exercises. This award is presented to a graduating student who deserves recognition for contributions to the Horticultural program at Thames Secondary. Best wishes to Aaron with his future endeavours.

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Protect Our Streams & Rivers -plant a rain garden

A Rain garden is
a shallow, bowl-shaped bed (6 -12″ deep), planted near a building or paved surface. When it rains, water from downspouts is directed to the rain garden where it soaks into the ground over the following day or two and replenishes our precious drinking water aquifers.

Rain gardens soak up stormwater before it becomes a problem. Typically rain in urban areas runs off across paved surfaces, picking up pollutants like pet waste, fertilizer, cigarette butts, fuels and solvents and deposits them, untreated into the nearest lake or stream via the storm sewer. The result is often closed beaches, endangered aquatic life and compromised drinking source waters.

is an online gallery of beautiful rain gardens from across the province, country and hopefully, the world. By displaying images of rain gardens we hope to inspire viewers to do the same – build a rain garden and start soaking up stormwater and protecting our water!

PictureRaingardentour.ca is a project of Green Communities Canada. For more information about Green Communities’ initiatives that are taking action to protect streams and rivers, visit www.slowrain.ca 

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